Monday, May 24, 2010

Sean Hayes to host 2010 Tony Awards

So, Sean Hayes has been named as host of the 64th Tony Awards, on June 13. I'm a little surprised, since he's also a nominee - for Best Leading Actor in A Musical in Promises, Promises. I'd think those eight shows a week would keep him pretty busy.

But according to this L.A. Times article, several nominees have pulled double duty, including Hugh Jackman, Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick, Jane Alexander and George C. Scott. (Although I can't quite picture George C. Scott hosting an awards show!)

I'm sure Hayes will do everything a host is supposed to do: be funny and charming and keep things moving. I'm curious to see him when he's not playing over-the-top Jack from Will and Grace. (You can read Hayes' answers to questions from New York Times readers here.)

Although honestly, the host doesn't really matter. Sure, he or she might pick up a few extra viewers. (Or drive some away.) But by and large if you're interested in Broadway and theatre you'll watch the show. If not, you won't.

And I really like this clip of Hayes with Promises, Promises costar Kristin Chenoweth. He's so appealing - adorable and sweet in an understated way. I know you can't tell much from a brief clip but his Chuck Baxter didn't remind me at all of Jack.


  1. That clip you posted was one of my favorite scenes in the show.

  2. I love Sean Hayes in that clip. He's so sweet and cute and appealing. I didn't once think "Oh, he's doing his Jack shtick." Of course, it's only a 2 minute clip out of 2 1/2 hours! Maybe it goes downhill from there. ;-(

  3. Why did I skip my NYC trip? What was I thinking? I was hoping to see this show so I'm glad for the clip, very charming. I'm sure Mr. Hayes will do just fine hosting.

  4. Hey Dale, great to hear from you! Yeah, I think he'll do fine, too. Promises, Promises didn't get great reviews but I'd still like to see it. And why did you skip your trip to New York?! ;-(
