(He said there was nothing in the English-language section of the Milan airport bookstore except Danielle Steel and John Grisham. I don't know why Flinn didn't pick up some Grisham, he's a perfectly entertaining writer of suspenseful legal thrillers. And in an emergency, Danielle Steel's not that bad. Not that I'd know from firsthand reading experience, of course).
Flinn describes rummaging around in his bag for an Ambien to help him sleep, but he'd taken the last one in Italy. The only thing that worked on the video screen was the route map, so he fixated on that for awhile. At one point, his wife gets up to use the bathroom and he "dived for her paperback like a starving man going for a deep-dish pizza. I'd barely read two pages, though, before she returned and wrestled her book from me."
He also offers some tips for what to do if you find yourself in a similar situation: commit your passport to memory, try to figure out what all the fuss is about Sudoku, (I wish he'd tell me.) study the Skymall catalog, turn to the route map in the back of the in-flight magazine and memorize the names of all of the "stan" countries.
Some of the comments on the column were pretty good. One person suggested he could have used the time to write haiku, another recommended traveling with a pair of knitting needles and yarn to knit a pair of socks. (Although I bet you can't bring knitting needles on a plane anymore).
A couple of people said that they always travel with a journal or something else to write in. Having paper and pen handy certainly saved me from more than an hour of boredom last spring when I was in New York, by myself, standing in line to take the ferry to Ellis Island. I used the time to jot down some notes about Curtains, the show I'd seen the night before.
One holiday weekend, I didn't plan well and the only thing I had available was a copy of The Thin Red Line, a novel by James Jones about a fictional World War II battle between American and Japanese troops on Guadalcanal. (Jones is best known as the author of From Here to Eternity.) I don't really like war novels, so I'm not even sure why I took it out of the library. All I remember is, I read it pretty quickly and thought it was just okay. I probably finished it on Sunday, and the library was closed until Tuesday, and I couldn't get to someplace to buy a book.
And then there are practical considerations of deciding which book to bring. Is the book so short that you'll finish it too quickly? Is it too heavy to carry? The worst thing is being stuck with very big book you absolutely hate. This did happen to me once. In my case, it was a behemoth of a novel by David Foster Wallace called Infinite Jest. And it truly is a behemoth - 1,088 pages long. And it has footnotes!
Don't ask what possessed me to read it. I know it's kind of a cult classic, but its appeal is way beyond me. The plot centers around a film, Infinite Jest, that is so addictively entertaining, anyone who watches it loses all interest in doing anything else but viewing it repeatedly. I doggedly kept reading, hoping I'd find out what this mysterious movie was about. Well, the joke was on me. I never found the answer, but I did learn quite a bit about the competitive world of junior tennis, a key subplot of the novel.
Running out of reading material used to be a big fear of mine, but I've learned to have a book with me at all times, in case I'm stuck waiting in a doctor's office or who knows where. And now that I have an iPod filled with audiobooks, podcasts and music, the chances of finding myself in a situation like Mr. Flinn's are pretty slim. Still, I could relate. I've been there.
Being the scholar that I was (or deadbeat, considering I was making up for the previous semester's work) I brought a whole slew of books with me on my last flight, which was to Singapore and involved over 24 hours of being in the air. Fortunately I can get lost in just about anything, but I had a stealthy collection from which to choose, though admittedly on the flight back, I was more at a loss (I ended up watching the thoroughly unwatchable "Taxi" with Jimmy Fallon).
But I always suggest bringing an extra book at random, something that you may not even open at all once during your trip, but it never hurts to plan for the unexpected.
Wow, the longest flight I've ever been on was 12 hours, to Israel. I don't think I could take much more than that. The problem is, there's just a limit as to how much I can carry. But on a 24-hour flight, you've got to be prepared!
Once, I brought a portable dvd player with me, and I've had my iPod, but actually, a lot of the time, I'd rather read.
Wow - I'm so jealous that you've been to Israel, I've always wanted to go!
I bring a book (or books) not only on flights but basically everywhere. I always make sure to have one (and if I'm close to the end then I bring a back-up as well). I'll read while waiting for the subway, on the subway, on my commute, on line anywhere, while I'm getting gas put in my car....
I also always have a crocheting project of some sort with me and have no hesitation in whipping that out either - including during one memorable visit to the ER.
I did just get one of the fancy iPods with video and used to lug around my portable DVD player during my commute but I think I like reading or crocheting better.
Well you should go to Israel sometime! It's a beautiful, fascinating place.
I almost wish I had a long commute on public transportation - it would give me more time to read! Instead, I have a 10-minute drive.
I know what you mean about the emergency room - I've had a lot of experience, and it's a minimum of three hours. That's when I really learned to always have a book at hand!
I tried knitting, crocheting and sewing when I was a kid but I was never very talented at any of them!
Since I've last flown I bought the ipod, which one of the better investments I've made. And since I'm still in the process of putting all (and I mean all) my music on it, I figure that should make for some beneficial time-killing. I listen to music when commuting, when walking, when around the house, exercising the retail therapy and when waiting in the doctor's office. Anywhere I have to fill time without conversation I have it - and I'm sure it'll be my best friend the next time I'm mid-air.
I would enjoy free wi-fi the next time I fly, so I can do a mile high club blog.
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