The move, of course, prompted a boycott from the usual array of self-styled "pro-family" groups. (I guess there's a limit to being "pro-family." Apparently, gay and lesbian families need not apply.)
To show my support for the company and to counterbalance the bigots, I sent a thank-you card to Hallmark's CEO. I thanked him for the company's inclusive stance and said that I would be buying Hallmark products whenever possible.
This week, I got a letter from Hallmark thanking me, which I think is kind of nice. It said, in part, "It is our goal to be inclusive rather than exclusive so that our products appeal to the widest range of people who wish to communicate and connect with one another."
I didn't realize this, but Hallmark makes more than 20,000 greeting cards - including ones for unmarried heterosexual couples, mixed-race or interfaith relationships and blended families "so people in each of these situations can find cards that meet their needs."
I don't know how many letters Hallmark had to send to people who protested the new cards but I think that those of us who support equality and inclusiveness are sometimes too quiet about it. Whereas people who feel the other way never seem to get tired of making their views known. I'm glad I wrote to Hallmark and I'm glad someone at the company responded. At least I know that I got through.
How wonderful! What a nice story. :)
That's Awesome! (your effort and Hallmarks response but Im assuming you can you assume that from me!)
It's true, we never point out GOOD thing and let the complainers complain. We should praise people more in life in general.
I think the song "One Person" from Dear World is most appropriate for you, Esther. ;)
Thanks everyone. Writing to Hallmark wasn't really very much. And my point was not to pat myself on the back. (Although I do appreciate those!) The point is, even though you might think your one letter or e-mail won't have an impact, companies do listen.
A friend used to belong to Amnesty International and he'd participate in all the letter-writing campaigns to free political prisoners. He said he wasn't under any illusion that the governments read them, but he said they do weigh them!
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