This is a chance to show your support for gay and lesbian couples and voice your opposition to Proposition 8 on the California ballot, which would overturn a recent state Supreme Court decision paving the way for same-sex marriage.
Whether you're gay or straight, whether you live in California or someplace else, whether or not you normally blog about politics or same-sex marriage, please consider joining this effort. It doesn't have to be long. In fact, please consider posting something on your blog especially if you're straight.
I firmly believe that it's not solely the responsibility of gays and lesbians to fight homophobia, just as it's not solely the responsibility of Jews to fight anti-Semitism or African-Americans to fight racism or women to fight sexism. We all have a responsibility to fight prejudice and ignorance.
When the opponents of marriage equality talk about the supposed "threat" to children and families and to civilization itself, it's important to let them know that they're talking about our families, our friends, our neighbors, our coworkers, people we love and respect and admire.
It's important to let the opponents know that we care about the American values of equality and freedom and that extending rights to one group of people does not take away rights from anyone else. Rather, it enriches society by creating new, stronger families and giving them the protections they are entitled to as Americans.
Thanks for letting me know about this! I'll definitely post for it.
Great! It's just so hard to think of something that hasn't already been said.
Yeah, I suppose you're right...I'm just too stubbornheaded to mind if I'm repeating myself or other people, haha!
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